The best Side of imtoken 硬件钱包

as a way to build oneself an handle, 1st down load and run the application. You get it generated automatically, once you make by yourself an account.


You may as well produce a components wallet imtoken钱包被盗 on your own. Just decide on a tool without having Internet access and an offline signature. mail your cash there and plug it to the online world only to broadcast a transaction from the community.


after you in the beginning build your wallet and note down your passphrase, you’ll be asked for to encrypt it with a powerful password. below’s ways to progress when you prefer to to restore with your 12-phrase seed string.

图中的 confirmTransaction 方法的作用是其他参与签名的人发起确认以表示对某个交易执行的认可。参数就是 submitTransaction 流程里提交交易申请时产生的交易号。当然参与者也可以拒绝认可,还有一个 revokeConfirmation 方法来提供拒绝的行为在图中没有体现,可以去合约代码里查看。

imToken 有四个主要功能页:钱包、市场、浏览和我。对于首次使用 imToken 的新用户,了解这些功能页能帮助你快速入门 imToken。





调整手续费 根据当前网络状况,imToken会推荐一个手续费。你可以接受推荐值或根据交易紧急程度自行调整。手续费越高,交易确认速度通常越快。

Dapps (By classification, and always listing ideas from Each individual) you won't ever have to worry about an app or project you observed in their wallet. Tolkenon, their in wallet DEX. I think entry to


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